When winter arrives, so does the ice and snow. This can make even a short walk to the car difficult, and when you fall you risk chipping or cracking a tooth. But you can alter your walk to help lower the risk of a dental emergency from an ice-related fall. Your dental expert in Brookfield, WI, explains how walking like a penguin can safeguard your smile from requiring emergency dental care!
Slick Ice and Chipped Teeth
When you fall after slipping on ice, you could chip a tooth. Even if there is no visible damage, there is still the chance that you cracked a tooth, which could be nearly invisible to the naked eye. A chipped or cracked tooth is a dental emergency, as even minor injuries could expose sensitive inner tooth structure and increase the risk of tooth decay and even dental infection. You then develop discomfort and over time, could even risk the stability of the tooth! But taking precautions can help lower the risk of a damaged tooth, so you can smile with confidence all winter long.
Walk Like a Penguin
Experts recommend trying to mimic the waddle of a penguin to reduce your risk of a fall. Remember, aside from your smile, falls could be harmful to your back and hip, particularly if you are a senior. The process is simple. You should relax your knees and then keep your toes pointed out as you walk. Take short steps and move with purpose, and very slowly and deliberately. This slow and cautious walk can help reduce your risk of slipping and falling, so you can safely make it to your destination on foot. But should you injure a tooth, we urge you to see us right for emergency dental care!
We Can Repair Your Tooth
What should you do if you injure a tooth? Well, give our office a call right away, even outside of normal business hours. We offer emergency dentistry, and can repair the damage! We will reach out with a time to see you and examine your smile. You can use cloth or gauze to stem bleeding, and a cold compress to control facial swelling. If possible, bring any pieces of your tooth with you. Often, we can offer emergency treatment with composite resin in one visit, or even secure a custom crown to repair the tooth and offer lifelike results.
If you have any questions about the penguin waddle or addressing damaged teeth, reach out today. There is still time to see us and use your 2024 dental insurance benefits before they expire at the end of December!
Call Us For Emergency Dental Care
Our team wants to help you avoid dental damage and enjoy better oral health, so see us soon. To find out more about emergency dentistry and protecting your smile from injury, or to schedule your next appointment, speak with a member of our team at our Brookfield, WI, office at (414) 771-1228.